Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Left Buloxi this morning. Mixed emotions. Can't believe my trip is over but I'm really looking forward to being back home. I know I've said it several times but all I was able to do and see while I was gone was amazing!!! I still can't believe some of the things I experienced. Thank you so much to all the people who made this happen for me. It would have never been possible without you!!! Also, thank you to everyone who followed my blog and all of your comments. Your support means a lot. I made it home at about 7:30pm. My first time seeing my home in 56 days. It was great to see my Mom and Dad and to have a home cooked meal with my favorites. Delicious! After saying "Hi" to Mother and Father, I went straight to my room and kissed my big screen television! The TV I had to watch while I was gone was not much better than the black and white days. Yes, I'm spoiled. We have an ongoing bet to how many shirts I bought while I was on that trip. Some of the guesses are 70 and 100. I predicted 55. I'll keep you posted. I'll start trying to get back in the groove of things tomorrow morning. Its good to be home.


  1. WOOHO, your home! I know your folks were soooo happy to see you. I wish I was in Jax to welcome you back myself. I too want to thank everyone that helped make your trip possible. I Love you all for helping my friend Donnie realize his dreams of making this trip. You are are A+ in my book. WELCOME HOME DONNIE. I LOVE YOU.

  2. I bet it is GREAT to be back home!!!! So glad you had such a wonderful trip!!!!

  3. Donnie,
    There is no place like home! I love to travel but always ready to return home. I cannot wait to hear about all the adventures.

  4. Let's hear about your trip. Sorry I have come in too late to get all the excitement of it. Glad you are home safely.
